F2i Holding Portuale (FHP) was born in 2019 with the acquisition of Porto di Carrara S.p.a, a historic port company dedicated to freight’s loading and unloading in the Marina di Carrara Port since 1992. It currently has a total port area under concession of about 70,000 square meters, which includes about 500 meters long quay, yards, warehouses, railway connection and handles over 700,000 thousand tons of various goods (2021 figures).

TOTAL AREA 250.000 m2
DRAFT -11 m

Viale G. da Verrazzano, snc – Varco di Levante del Porto
54033 Carrara frazione Marina MS
Tel. +39 0585 784430 • Fax +39 0585 784413
E-mail: info@fhpgroup.it • PEC: fhpspa@pec.it
VAT and tax code 01019560455
Business Register C.C.I.A.A. of Massa and Carrara
Tax code and registration no. 01019560455
Share Capital Euro 4.438.512,00 i. v.

Viale G. da Verrazzano, snc
Varco di Levante del Porto
54033 Carrara frazione Marina MS
Tel. +39 0585 784430
Fax +39 0585 784413
E-mail: info@fhpgroup.it
PEC: fhpspa@pec.it
VAT and tax code 01019560455
Business Register C.C.I.A.A.
of Massa and Carrara
Tax code and and registration
no. 01019560455
Share Capital
Euro 4.438.512,00 i. v.

FHP Port of Carrara has:

  • an uncovered customs area of approximately 70,000 sq. m. (Città di Massa yard)
  • two warehouses totaling 4,000 sqm
  • a railway siding, consisting of two tracks with a straight length of 400 mt
  • an autonomous vehicle weighing system

In addition, FHP operates, in the backport area, an intermodal logistics hub, consisting of:

  • Avenza compendium (hosting an important production site of Client Baker & Hughes), equipped with an area of about 180,000 sqm, with about 25,000 sqm warehouses and a double railway track connected to the port and the Tyrrhenian railway backbone
  • an industrial-logistics area of about 50,000 sqm – in the municipality of Massa – also equipped with a railroad siding


Bulk, steel, stone, nautical support, project cargo

  • Breakbulk cargo loading/unloading
  • Bonded storage and warehousing
  • Project cargo, with qualified heavy lifting technologies and expertise (including lifting engineering)
  • Transportation and final delivery, both with truck services (including exceptional transport) and Intermodal services (with MTO – Multimodal Transport Operator approach)
  • Shipment management and customs practices.

The Port of Carrara is equipped with an excellent fleet of vehicles and equipment.
In particular, FHP Port of Carrara has the following fleet of vehicles:

  • n. 4 rubber-mounted port cranes with capacities from 100 to 200 tons on the hook
  • n. 40 forklifts of the capacity from 3 to 45 tons; no. 3 reach stackers of 45 tons; n. 3 reach stacker of 45 tons
  • n. 4 between wheel loaders and excavators
  • n. 8 between area platforms and small capacity cranes
  • n. 3 vehicles for cleaning yards
  • n. 9 tractors with no.23 trailers (of which no.8 are capable of exceptional transport)
  • n. 2 locomotives, one of which is under concession

FHP has an integrated quality and safety system, with UNI EN ISO 9001 and 45001certifications.
FHP has planned to acquire UNI ISO 14001 environmental certification by 2023.
Finally, FHP is certified with the internationally known FITOK System for fumigated wood treatment.

ISO9001/45001 Porto of Carrara FITOK Porto of Carrara
ISO9001/45001 Porto of Carrara
FITOK Porto of Carrara

The Port of Marina di Carrara has ancient origins dating back to the first century B.C. They used this stretch of coastline for the embarkation of white marble destined for Rome and other cities of the Empire. It has always been considered the world’s most important port of call for stone products: its location is strategic, serving the Northwest and Central Italian markets, in synergy with the port of La Spezia. It consists of a safe water basin: four docks equipped to handle all types of dry goods, including containers. All useful services for ships and goods are available in the port 24 hours a day, even exceptional transports find their optimal solution in the services of its port. The port of Carrara is the world’s leading intermodal center for the import and export of natural stones such as granites, marbles, etc… The port is effectively connected to highways, rail networks and airports. This favorable geographical position makes the port of Marina di Carrara a port perfectly fitting in the T.E.N. (TRANS EUROPEAN NETWORK) and the natural outlet for many productions arriving from and directed to not only Italy but also Eastern and Central Europe. Currently, the port of Carrara is placed at the center of an articulated international transport network, connecting with more than 85 ports in 48 countries scattered across the different continents.

FHP operates under concession as a GCU (Single Compartmental Operator) the rail shunting service between the port, backport areas of the intermodal logistics hub and Massa Z.I. station.
The FHP port area/ of operations is 1 km from the A12 highway exit of Carrara and 5 km that of Massa. From here, within a few minutes, you can reach the highway connecting to (A1, A21, A4, A22).
The nearest airport is Pisa Airport only 50 km away.